PT Plaza Auto Mega

Administration Warranty Staff (Surabaya)

PT Plaza Auto Mega
Ditayangkan pada 24-Jan-23

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Kualifikasi pekerjaan:

·        Lulusan SMK/Diploma jurusan otomotif/Teknik mesin lebih diutamakan

·        Menguasai Microsoft Office (Excel, Word dan PPT)

·        Usia maksimal 25 tahun

·        Berpenampilan rapi

·        Mampu bekerja secara mandiri maupun tim

Deskripsi pekerjaan:

·        Mengumpulkan & menganalisa data claim warranty

·        Berkoordinasi dan mengirimkan parts ke pihak yang berwenang

·        Mengurus segala administrasi yang dibutuhkan

Informasi Tambahan

Tingkat Pekerjaan
Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor)
Tidak terspesifikasi
Pengalaman Kerja
1 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan
Penuh Waktu

Tentang Perusahaan

Plaza Capital Group is engaged in various fields, namely:
1.Plaza Auto
Plaza Auto is a group of companies engaged in the automotive and automotive value chain, consisting of five major brands, namely Plaza TOYOTA, Plaza MINI, Plaza SUBARU, Otogard and In-ging.
2.Pro Trans
Pro Trans is a group of companies engaged in energy, consisting of Pro Energi, Tri Daya Selaras, and Pro Tank Terminal.
Ateraland is a property company, consisting of Permata Cimanggis, Cibubur Estate, and Permata Cikeas.
Plaza Capital Group prioritizes a balance between the lives and careers of employees in the hope of synergizing and contributing to the company. Reliable and Caring is an important part of Plaza Capital Group’s values.
Established in 2020, Plaza SUBARU aims to create job opportunities for many people. Plaza SUBARU (PT Plaza Auto Mega) is the agent for the SUBARU Brand Holder in Indonesia, while Plaza SUBARU (PT Plaza Auto Cipta & PT Plaza Auto Kreasi) is the official dealer for the SUBARU brand in Indonesia.
Under the auspices of the Plaza Auto Group, PT Plaza Auto Mega has officially been appointed as the Authorized Importer and Distributor of SUBARU Vehicles, genuine parts, and accessories in Indonesia since February 2020.
PT Plaza Auto Mega is responsible for strengthening the positioning of the SUBARU brand in the Indonesian market, growing the dealership network, and delivering the highest level of customer satisfaction.
At this point, PT. Plaza Auto Mega will open its first dealership with 3S facilities, located at Jl. Jalur Sutera Kav. 9A, Alam Sutera – Tangerang, Banten.
The founder of Plaza SUBARU has a vision to become the best dealer with world-class service processes to customers.In pursuing the realization of the company’s vision, we implement 3 missions, namely:
  • Provide the best service to customers in sales and after-sales
  • Promote sustainable and sustainable development of the company
  • Provide a sense of security and comfort for employees at work

Employees are our most valuable asset, so we are committed to providing a sense of security and comfort as well as providing career opportunities for outstanding employees to advance with the company. In the next 5 years, PT Plaza Auto Mega will expand its business network by opening dealership branches in 5 big cities in Indonesia, run under through two exclusive dealerships: PT Plaza Auto Cipta dan PT Plaza Auto Kreasi.
We believe that employees who are happy at work will provide the best results and service for the company, this is the key to our success in realizing the company’s vision and winning the hearts of customers.
Come join us to be part of a company that continues to grow.

Informasi Tambahan Perusahaan

Ukuran Perusahaan
1- 50 pekerja
Waktu Proses Lamaran
19 hari
Automobil/Mesin Tambahan Automotif/Kendaraan
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain
Waktu regular, Senin – Jumat, Formil (contoh: Kemeja + Dasi)

Foto perusahaan

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