Eita Sato, 15, dan Aoi Hoshi, 15, berjalan di sepanjang koridor SMP Yumoto, mereka adalah satu-satunya siswa di sekolah tersebut, beberapa hari sebelum kelulusan dan upacara penutupan sekolah. (Foto: REUTERS/ISSEI KATO)

Warta21.com – Potret momen haru dua siswa SMP terakhir di salah satu pedesaan di Jepang. Sekolahnya terpaksa tutup karena tidak ada lagi murid baru imbas resesi seks.

Eita Sato, 15, and Aoi Hoshi, 15, who are the only two students at Yumoto Junior High School, attend a Japanese traditional calligraphy class to write a message that will be engraved into the school's closing memorial stone, a few days before their graduation and the institution's closing ceremony, in Ten-ei Village, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, March 9, 2023. Eita and Aoi, who have been together since three, are the last two graduates of Yumoto Junior High, a public school established in 1947 that in its prosperous years sent out more than 50 graduates, but with only a few enrolments expected in the coming years, the village decided to close the school for good.
Kelulusan dua siswa tersebut diiringi momen haru dari guru dan orang tua. (Foto: REUTERS/ISSEI KATO)
Eita Sato, 15, and Aoi Hoshi, 15, who are the only two students at Yumoto Junior High School, attend a Japanese traditional calligraphy class to write a message that will be engraved into the school's closing memorial stone, a few days before their graduation and the institution's closing ceremony, in Ten-ei Village, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, March 9, 2023. Eita and Aoi, who have been together since three, are the last two graduates of Yumoto Junior High, a public school established in 1947 that in its prosperous years sent out more than 50 graduates, but with only a few enrolments expected in the coming years, the village decided to close the school for good.
Eita dan Aoi, yang bersama-sama sejak umur tiga, berada di kelas berisi lima orang sampai sekolah dasar tetapi hanya dua yang melanjutkan di Yumoto. (Foto: REUTERS/ISSEI KATO)
Eita Sato, 15, and Aoi Hoshi, 15, who are the only two students at Yumoto Junior High School, attend a Japanese traditional calligraphy class to write a message that will be engraved into the school's closing memorial stone, a few days before their graduation and the institution's closing ceremony, in Ten-ei Village, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, March 9, 2023. Eita and Aoi, who have been together since three, are the last two graduates of Yumoto Junior High, a public school established in 1947 that in its prosperous years sent out more than 50 graduates, but with only a few enrolments expected in the coming years, the village decided to close the school for good.
Momen kelulusan Eita dan Aoi di SMP Yumoto yang akan ditutup permanen. (Foto: REUTERS/ISSEI KATO)
Eita Sato, 15, and Aoi Hoshi, 15, who are the only two students at Yumoto Junior High School, attend a Japanese traditional calligraphy class to write a message that will be engraved into the school's closing memorial stone, a few days before their graduation and the institution's closing ceremony, in Ten-ei Village, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, March 9, 2023. Eita and Aoi, who have been together since three, are the last two graduates of Yumoto Junior High, a public school established in 1947 that in its prosperous years sent out more than 50 graduates, but with only a few enrolments expected in the coming years, the village decided to close the school for good.
Sekitar 450 tutup setiap tahun, menurut data pemerintah. Setiap tahun, ada sekolah di Jepang yang tutup karena tak ada siswa baru. (Foto: REUTERS/ISSEI KATO)
Eita Sato, 15, and Aoi Hoshi, 15, who are the only two students at Yumoto Junior High School, attend a Japanese traditional calligraphy class to write a message that will be engraved into the school's closing memorial stone, a few days before their graduation and the institution's closing ceremony, in Ten-ei Village, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, March 9, 2023. Eita and Aoi, who have been together since three, are the last two graduates of Yumoto Junior High, a public school established in 1947 that in its prosperous years sent out more than 50 graduates, but with only a few enrolments expected in the coming years, the village decided to close the school for good.
Angka kelahiran di Jepang anjlok lebih cepat dari yang diperkirakan. Penutupan sekolah meningkat terutama di daerah pedesaan seperti Ten-ei, area ski pegunungan dan mata air panas di prefektur Fukushima. (Foto: REUTERS/ISSEI KATO)
Eita Sato, 15, and Aoi Hoshi, 15, who are the only two students at Yumoto Junior High School, attend a Japanese traditional calligraphy class to write a message that will be engraved into the school's closing memorial stone, a few days before their graduation and the institution's closing ceremony, in Ten-ei Village, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, March 9, 2023. Eita and Aoi, who have been together since three, are the last two graduates of Yumoto Junior High, a public school established in 1947 that in its prosperous years sent out more than 50 graduates, but with only a few enrolments expected in the coming years, the village decided to close the school for good.
Sekolah berusia 76 tahun itu akan menutup pintunya untuk selamanya ketika tahun ajaran berakhir pada Jumat (31/3/2023). (Foto: REUTERS/ISSEI KATO)
Eita Sato, 15, and Aoi Hoshi, 15, who are the only two students at Yumoto Junior High School, attend a Japanese traditional calligraphy class to write a message that will be engraved into the school's closing memorial stone, a few days before their graduation and the institution's closing ceremony, in Ten-ei Village, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, March 9, 2023. Eita and Aoi, who have been together since three, are the last two graduates of Yumoto Junior High, a public school established in 1947 that in its prosperous years sent out more than 50 graduates, but with only a few enrolments expected in the coming years, the village decided to close the school for good.
“Kami mendengar desas-desus tentang penutupan sekolah di tahun kedua, tetapi saya tidak terlalu berpikir itu akan terjadi. Saya terkejut ketika mendengar berita itu,” kata Eita kepada Reuters. (Foto: REUTERS/ISSEI KATO)
Eita Sato, 15, and Aoi Hoshi, 15, who are the only two students at Yumoto Junior High School, attend a Japanese traditional calligraphy class to write a message that will be engraved into the school's closing memorial stone, a few days before their graduation and the institution's closing ceremony, in Ten-ei Village, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, March 9, 2023. Eita and Aoi, who have been together since three, are the last two graduates of Yumoto Junior High, a public school established in 1947 that in its prosperous years sent out more than 50 graduates, but with only a few enrolments expected in the coming years, the village decided to close the school for good.
Eita Sato, 15, dan Aoi Hoshi, 15, berjalan di sepanjang koridor SMP Yumoto, mereka adalah satu-satunya siswa di sekolah tersebut, beberapa hari sebelum kelulusan dan upacara penutupan sekolah. (Foto: REUTERS/ISSEI KATO)

Sumber : detik.com

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